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Kode error washer, dryer, LG

LG Front Load Washer Error Codes and Troubleshooting Flow Charts

kode error IE mesin cuci LG


kode error mesin cuci LG FE





bE ball sensor error code

EE defective EEPROM

CL Flashing, Child Lock

PF Error, Power Failure

CE Error: Communication Error

UE Error: Imbalance Error

LG Dryer Error Codes and Troubleshooting Flow Charts

Error Code: tE1 - thermistor open

Error Code: tE2 thermistor shorted

Error Code: dE - door switch error

Error Code: tE4 steam generator thermistor

Error Code: E5 pump motor

Error Code: Add Water

Dryer: nP & PS Error code

LG Dishwasher Error Codes and Troubleshooting Flow Charts

El Error: EI displayed or E1 displayed: Leakage Error

OE Error Displayed: Drain Error

IE Error: lE displayed or 1E displayed: Inlet Error

tE Error Code Displayed: thermistor error

FE Error Code: excessive water supply


UE Error: Vario Motor Error

HE Error: Heater Error

Steam generator error messages plus troubleshooting

PF error code: power supply failure

  1. 1E

    • When an LG Tromm washer shows the "1E" error code in its display, the washer is not receiving an adequate water supply. In some cases, the water supply may not be turned on or the water inlet hose may be bent or kinked. In addition, a clog in the inlet hose filter may also prevent an adequate supply of water from reaching the washer.


    • The "0E" error code indicates that an LG Tromm washer's drain hose has become bent or clogged. It may also indicate that there is a clog in the drain filter. Cleaning the drain hose or filter typically clears the error.


    • If an LG Tromm washer displays the "UE" error code, the washer's load may be too small or unbalanced. Adding a few similar items to the load or rearranging the pieces that are inside the washer may help clear the error. In addition, the "UE" error code appears when the washer runs its imbalance detection and correction system. Typically, this occurs if heavy items such as towels, bathrobes or coats are loaded into the washer and the system cannot re-balance the load itself.


    • The "dE" error code indicates that the LG Tromm washer's door has not been properly closed. Closing the door firmly usually clears this error. If the error does not go away once the doors closed, a service technician should be consulted.


    • An "FE" error code appears when the LG Tromm washer has overflowed because of a problem with the water valve. Shut off the water supply valve and unplug the appliance. Consult a qualified service technician to examine the water valve.


    • The "PE" error code indicates that the LG Tromm washer's water level sensor is not operating properly. Turn off the water supply valve and unplug the washer. Call an authorized service technician to examine the sensor.


    • When the "LE" error code appears, an LG Tromm washer's motor has been overloaded. Turn off the machine and wait approximately 30 minutes before trying to restart the cycle. If the washer's display continues to show the "LE" error code, contact a qualified service technician.


    • The "PF" error code appears if an LG Tromm washer has experienced a power failure. To clear the error, simply restart the washer cycle.


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